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“A Little of Chantelle Rose”
“A Little of Chantelle Rose” is a fast-paced romantic comedy that will keep the reader in stitches. Author Cristina Hodgson has an engaging writing style; the dialogue is crisp, the settings are engaging, the plot is perfectly paced. The characters are memorable and they will pull one right into the story. Chantelle is a delightful protagonist with a “take no prisoners” attitude and the reader will root for her throughout her struggles.” InD’tale Magazine
At the age of twenty-four, Chantelle Rose has all a city girl can expect: a tiny bed-sit in South London, a lousy poorly-paid job, a tyrannical boss, and quite a few exes added to an ever-growing list.
Desperate for change, she becomes an extra in a seedy crime film. When that leads to the opportunity of a lifetime – a role to play with a million dollars to win and seemingly nothing to lose – she accepts without thinking twice. After all, what could possibly go wrong? In any event, she’ll earn enough to buy her dream home, set up her own business and never worry about money again.
And what about love? Two men have won her heart: Robbie – sultry, silent, mysterious; and Lionel – Hollywood heart-throb, charm, wealth, adventure.
But who can she trust? Who is bent on scaring her away, and why?
There seems to be more at stake than just her heart. Will a million dollars be worth it?
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